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10 Reasons your Pet Needs to See an Emergency Vet

All day, every day, whether it is morning or night, the expert staff at Companion Veterinary and Urgent Care Center is available in Bradenton to treat your pets for a variety of emergency vet related reasons.

Sometimes it can be hard to decipher between when your pet needs actual emergency vet services, so here are the top ten reasons should absolutely make sure your pet sees an emergency vet.

1. Pets with Difficulty Breathing:

It's very frightening when pets have trouble breathing. This is why it is so needed to see the emergency vet when this occurs. Difficulty breathing conditions can indicate heart disease, pneumonia, feline asthma, and other anatomic abnormalities. These diseases can be treated and supported by wellness care veterinarians like us.

2. Vomiting or Diarrhea:

Fluffy spouting vomit all over the house is what sends owners to the emergency vet the fastest. Many things can cause gastrointestinal upset in cats and dogs. Common causes are dietary indiscretion and eating fatty foods, but regardless of the reason, it's always better to err on the side of caution in these situations.

3. Being Hit by a Car:

Our pets don't understand the dangers of roads and cars. Sometime pets suffer only minor injuries when struck by a car, but many pets suffer severe injuries and need to see an emergency vet so they have a better chance to survive. Keep your pet on a leash and in a secure area to reduce the risk of them being hit by a vehicle. You should ensure that your older, slower, or deaf pets are kept in a secure area.

4. Toxin Ingestions:

Pets are curious and will often eat foods and medication if they are left out. There are many toxin exposures, but most pets will consume human foods like chocolate and foods with xylitol, or flowers (especially lilies), medications for humans, rodenticide, or an excess of their own medication. Your emergency vet should be consulted immediately if your pet has ingested a harmful substance.

5. Bite Wounds and Lacerations:

Our pets often get hurt while playing. This is particularly common when multiple pets are grouped together, such as in dog parks or outdoors cats. An emergency vet is often called upon to treat wounds or abscesses (pockets that have developed from infection), which should be treated by a professional.

6. Red, Painful Eyes:

This can happen due to an injury, scratch, foreign material, infection, or any other condition. Eyes can be extremely fragile and infections and other illnesses can quickly progress and cause severe pain. An emergency vet should quickly evaluate your pet's eyes if they are reddened or painful.

7. Leg Lameness and Difficulty Walking:

The causes of leg lameness can range from muscle strains to ligament tears, dislocations, cancer, and simple muscle sprains. Your pet's emergency vet will give you pain medication, perform a thorough examination, and likely recommend x-rays in order to determine the reason for the lameness. Small dogs may also experience back pain, causing them to be reluctant to walk.

8. Worsening Underlying Illness:

Many pets are now living longer, and are being treated for long-term conditions like heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and cancer. These pets may need emergency vet treatment or stay in the critical care unit if diagnosed with a fatal condition.

9. Obstructions to the Urinary Tract:

Male cats' urinary tracts become narrower as they exit their bodies. A urinary obstruction is possible if the cat has a tendency for their bladder to become clogged, irritated, or engorged. This can be a life-threatening and extremely painful condition that requires your emergency vet. A veterinarian should immediately examine your cat if he is straining to urinate, leaking urine often, or vocalizing excessively.

10. Gastrointestinal Foreign Material:

Cats and dogs are curious and will eat anything! If an object is too large, it can get lodged in the stomach or intestinal tract. This will require surgery by your emergency vet. Toys, bedding, clothing and corn cobs are some of the most common items that can be removed surgically in dogs. Cats are prone to inhale yarn, yarn, hair ties and needles. Keep an eye on your furry friends to prevent this from happening.

As always, Companion Veterinary and Urgency Care Center is open every day of the week and after business hours (even on holidays) to accommodate your emergency vet needs as these types of services can never be planned for. Give us call today if you have questions about your pet or to schedule an appointment: (941) 896-9420

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