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Autumn Safety Tips to Avoid Needing Emergency Vet Services this Fall

The fall season brings about many lovely things along with it, like cooler weather, the changing of the leaves (depending on where you live), bon fires with friends, and pumpkin spiced lattes. But with all the good also comes some changes for your pets that should stay top of mind so they don't end up needing emergency vet services.

Here we've put together a list of our top tips for keeping your dog and you safe this fall season.

Tips for Walking Dogs

Autumn's changing colors and cooler temperatures make it an ideal time for long walks with your dog. They will find it more enjoyable than in the heat of summer when (depending on breed) can result in your pup getting over heated and in need of emergency vet services - but now as the season change there are many new sights and scents to discover.

Change up Your Routine

The days are getting shorter as we move towards winter. You can gradually change your walking habits so you don't go out in the dark. To avoid going out in the dark, staying safe and not winding up in the emergency vet office, start your morning walks later than usual and your evening walks sooner. This will also help your pet adapt to the change in the clocks and may also want to adjust your normal feeding times.

Be Visible

To avoid any accidents that land your pet in the emergency vet office, make sure you and your dog are visible, especially if you have to take your dog for a longer walk. Brightly-colored clothing and a hi-vis jacket on your dog will make you both easily visible when crossing roads. A light-up collar is also a great option for your dog.

These collars are equipped with flashing lights that make it impossible for you to miss. It may seem tempting to let your dog run in the dark, but it is not the best idea. In low visibility, they can be hard to see and easy to disorientate.

Dog Walking Poses Dangers

One potential danger to be aware of is lungworm, which can be a serious problem and would require emergency vet services right away as lungworm can be fatal to pets.

This parasite is often spread by infected snails and slugs during autumn and wet walks. Keep your dog close to you and keep them from wandering off. Regular worming treatment is the best way to protect your dog against lungworm.

Autumnal Toxins: Be Aware

Unfortunately, some autumn staples can pose a danger to pets. It's important to be aware of them when you go on walks to avoid needing emergency vet services. Conkers can block the airways of your dog and contain a chemical called Aesculin, which can cause internal damage.

Dogs can also be poisoned by acorns, due to their high levels of tannic acids. This acid can cause diarrhea and stomach upset. Acorns can cause kidney disease and internal damage in extreme cases so be sure to see your emergency vet should your pet end up ingesting them.

Another potential danger are slug pellets, which are used by keen gardeners to get rid of slimy pests. However, these pellets can be poisonous for dogs. They are poisonous to dogs and can cause convulsions and tremors, which means you should immediately take them to see your emergency vet in the event they come into contact with it.

Also, keep your dog away from wet leaves as they can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Contact your emergency veterinarian right away if you suspect your dog may have swallowed any of the autumn toxins or is showing symptoms of illness.

Do I Need to Clean up After Taking my Dog for a Walk?

It is possible to prevent potential health problems from developing and needing emergency vet services by cleaning your dog after you have gone for a walk.

It is believed that Alabama Rot (also known as CRGV), can be picked up during wet or muddy walks. This condition can lead to skin ulcers and eventually kidney failure. Which is why it's important that your dog is cleaned up after a muddy or wet walk.

Lastly on our "avoid emergency vet services" list are ticks. Ticks are active all throughout autumn. Give your pet a quick check after a walk in wooded or grassy areas to spot any signs of tick activity and have them removed as soon as you can. If the tick is removed within 24 hours, Lyme disease and other tick-transmitted diseases can be avoided.

If you find yourself in a situation with your pet where you encounter any of the dangers listed above, especially those that would require emergency vet services, please be sure to call us right away with any questions or to cue your place in line to bring them in to see us: (941) 896-9420

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